Amiga Format CD 44
Amiga Format CD44 (1999-08-26)(Future Publishing)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1999-10].iso
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BASIC Source File
137 lines
1 GOTO 7900:REM **** COMPUTER MONOPOLY **** SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT <c> 1985 by David M. Addison
20 GOTO 10000:REM **** throw dice ****
30 RETURN:REM **** key press sound ****
40 REM **** graphic to build house ****
41 gshape(133,123), housepic%()
42 kk%=val(mid$(b$,8,1))-1:note1%=1900:note2%=1000:gosub 40000
44 gosub 41000:return
50 FOR u%=1 TO 4:IF d%(u%) < 2 THEN GOTO 58:REM **** SORT DEEDS ****
51 FOR v%=1 TO d%(u%)-1:FOR w%=1 TO d%(u%)-1:c$=STR$(p#(u%,w%)):b$=STR$(p#(u%,w%+1))
52 IF MID$(c$,2,2) = "23" OR MID$(c$,2,1) = "4" THEN y%=2-VAL(MID$(c$,2,1)):GOTO 54
53 y%=VAL(MID$(c$,4,2))
54 IF MID$(b$,2,2) = "23" OR MID$(b$,2,1) = "4" THEN x%=2-VAL(MID$(b$,2,1)):GOTO 56
55 x%=VAL(MID$(b$,4,2))
56 IF y% > x% THEN z#=p#(u%,w%):p#(u%,w%)=p#(u%,w%+1):p#(u%,w%+1)=z#
57 NEXT w%,v%
62 gshape(108,111), hotelpic%()
64 kk%=5:note1%=5900:note2%=1500:gosub 40000
66 gosub 41000:return
70 gosub 36300:return:rem **** GRAPHIC FOR POLICE ****
80 RETURN:REM **** SOUND ****
90 yy%=126:xx%=215:j%=0:REM **** GRAPHIC FOR TRAIN ****
91 pena 1:draw (61,146 TO 240,146)
92 FOR i%=215 TO 61 STEP -1
93 j%=j%+1:IF j% > 4 THEN j% = 1
94 ON j% GOTO 95,96,97,98
95 gshape (i%,yy%),train1%():GOTO 99
96 gshape (i%,yy%),train2%():GOTO 99
97 gshape (i%,yy%),train3%():GOTO 99
98 gshape (i%,yy%),train4%()
99 SLEEP(50000):NEXT i%:RETURN
100 RETURN:REM **** SOUND ****
200 x%=VAL(MID$(b$,4,2)):REM **** FETCH PROPERTY NAME ****
210 a$=propname$(x%):pena propcolor%(x%):PRINT a$;:pena maincolor%
299 b$ = propdeed$(z%):RETURN:REM **** FETCH PROPERTY DEED ****
400 GOSUB 20000:GOSUB 460:REM **** MENU ****
401 ask MOUSE xx%,yy%,bb%:x% = pixel(xx%,yy%):IF bb%=0 THEN GOTO 401
402 IF x% = 27 THEN t%=4:GOSUB 20000:GOTO 1219
403 IF x% = 28 THEN GOTO 5000
404 IF x% = 29 THEN GOTO 401
405 if x% = 30 then gosub 3000:gosub 41000:goto 400
406 if x% = 25 then 410
409 goto 401
410 gosub 20000:?:?:? tab (14);"Are you SURE":? tab(12);"you want to QUIT!":gosub 1700
415 if x$="Y" then scnclr:chdir "/":end
420 goto 400
460 pena maincolor%:PRINT " MENU"
462 peno 1:pena 25:CIRCLE ((14*8)-3,(9*8)-3),3:PAINT ((14*8)-3,(9*8)-3),0
464 pena 25:PRINT at(16*8,9*8);"= End"
466 pena 28:CIRCLE ((14*8)-3,(11*8)-3),3:PAINT ((14*8)-3,(11*8)-3),0
468 pena 22:PRINT at(16*8,11*8);"= Trade"
473 pena 30:circle ((14*8)-3,(13*8)-3),3:paint ((14*8)-3,(13*8)-3),0:pena 23:print at(16*8,13*8);"= Info."
475 pena 27:circle ((14*8)-3,(15*8)-3),3:paint ((14*8)-3,(15*8)-3),0:pena 26:? at(16*8,15*8);"= Play"
490 pena maincolor%:return
600 IF d%(t%)=0 THEN GOTO 1020:REM **** COMPUTER TRADE ****
610 u%=1
611 if u%=t% then 620
612 IF d%(u%)=0 THEN 620
613 v%=1
614 y%=0:b$=STR$(p#(u%,v%)):FOR w%=1 TO d%(t%):c$=STR$(p#(t%,w%)):IF MID$(b$,2,2)=MID$(c$,2,2) THEN y%=y%+1
616 NEXT w%:IF VAL(MID$(b$,2,1))=y%+1 AND b$<>"23" THEN 630
618 v%=v%+1:IF v%<=d%(u%) THEN 614
620 u%=u%+1:IF u%<4 THEN 611
621 GOTO 1003
630 x%=1
631 y%=0:c$=STR$(p#(t%,x%)):FOR z%=1 TO d%(u%):d$=STR$(p#(u%,z%)):IF MID$(c$,2,2)=MID$(d$,2,2) THEN y%=y%+1
632 NEXT z%:IF VAL(MID$(c$,2,1))=y%+1 THEN 640
634 x%=x%+1:IF x%<=d%(t%) THEN 631
635 GOTO 618
640 IF MID$(c$,2,2)=MID$(b$,2,2) THEN 634
650 d$=c$:y%=t%:t%=u%:GOSUB 6000:x%=z%:t%=y%:d$=b$:GOSUB 6000:y%=z%:z%=INT(y%-x%)/2:z%=100*INT(z%/100)
652 IF c%(t%)-z% < 0 OR c%(u%)+z% < 0 THEN GOTO 1003
660 w%=0:GOSUB 20000:pena 26:PRINT at (16*8,6*8);"HUMAN!"
661 w%=w%+1:SLEEP(200500):pena 1:PRINT at(16*8,6*8);"HUMAN!":SLEEP(200500):pena 26:PRINT at(16*8,6*8);"HUMAN!"
662 IF w% < 6 THEN 661
663 pena maincolor%:PRINT TAB(8);:GOSUB 4080:PRINT " just traded ":d$=b$:b$=c$:PRINT TAB(8);:GOSUB 200
665 c%(t%)=c%(t%)-z%:c%(u%)=c%(u%)+z%
670 IF z% > 0 THEN PRINT tab(8); "and $";z%
680 PRINT tab(8); "and got ":b$=d$:? tab(8);:GOSUB 200
682 PRINT TAB(8);:IF z% < 0 THEN PRINT "and $";ABS(z%);
684 PRINT "from ";:y%=t%:t%=u%:GOSUB 4080:PRINT "!"
690 PRINT TAB(8);:GOSUB 4080:PRINT " has $";c%(u%);".":t%=y%:PRINT TAB(8);:GOSUB 4080:PRINT " has $";c%(t%);"."
692 GOSUB 41000:GOSUB 20000:GOTO 5350
1000 GOSUB 2400:IF t%=4 THEN GOTO 1003:REM **** MAIN LOOP ****
1001 GOTO 600
1003 IF d%(t%)=0 THEN GOTO 1020
1006 IF t% > 3 THEN GOTO 1009
1007 FOR s%=1 TO d%(t%):c$=STR$(p#(t%,s%)):IF mid$(c$,8,1)="0" or len(c$)>8 THEN GOSUB 1500
1008 NEXT s%
1009 IF t%=4 THEN GOSUB 1500
1020 GOSUB 1400:IF l%(t%) = 40 THEN 2900
1040 q%=0:GOSUB 20:PRINT at(48,80);" ";:GOSUB 4088:PRINT " rolled ";
1045 IF d1%+d2%=8 OR d1%+d2%=11 THEN PRINT "an";d1%+d2%:GOTO 1050
1046 PRINT "a";d1%+d2%
1050 IF d1%<>d2% THEN GOTO 1100
1060 d3%=d3%+1:d%=d%+1
1061 if d%=3 then newxx%=40:gosub 31000:l%(t%)=40:?:? tab(8);"Three doubles...";:?:? tab(8);"GO TO JAIL!!":gosub 70:goto 1210
1100 GOSUB 30000:gosub 2780:gosub 20000:l%(t%)=l%(t%)+d1%+d2%:IF l%(t%) > 39 THEN l%(t%)=l%(t%)-40:GOSUB 4070
1110 z%=l%(t%):GOSUB 299:GOSUB 4080:PRINT " landed on ":? tab(8);:GOSUB 200:PRINT ".":GOSUB 80:GOSUB 700
1111 if mid$(b$,2,3)="502" then 47000
1112 IF MID$(b$,2,2)="60" THEN 3100
1113 IF MID$(b$,2,2)="70" THEN 4220
1114 IF MID$(b$,2,2)="80" THEN newxx%=40:gosub 31000:l%(t%)=40:gosub 70:goto 1210
1116 IF VAL(MID$(b$,2,1))>4 THEN GOSUB 2400:GOTO 1200
1120 FOR v%=1 TO 4:IF d%(v%)=0 THEN GOTO 1124
1121 FOR x%=1 TO d%(v%):c$=STR$(p#(v%,x%)):IF MID$(c$,1,3)=MID$(b$,1,3) THEN GOTO 1140
1122 NEXT x%
1124 NEXT v%
1125 IF t%<4 THEN GOTO 1300
1127 IF VAL(MID$(b$,2,1))<5 AND c%(4)< 20*fininfo%(8*VAL(MID$(b$,6,2))) THEN 1170
1130 ?:? tab(8);"You have $";c%(t%):?
1131 PRINT TAB(8);"Want to buy":? tab(8);:gosub 200
1133 ? tab(8);"for $";20*fininfo%(8*val(mid$(b$,6,2)));:pena 2:? "?":pena maincolor%:gosub 1700:if x$="N" then goto 1200
1136 GOSUB 2800:GOTO 1200
1140 IF v%<>t% THEN 1148
1141 IF t%=4 THEN ?:?:PRINT TAB(8);"You own it.":GOTO 1200
1142 ?:?:PRINT TAB(8);:GOSUB 4080:pena 2:PRINT " owns it.":GOTO 1200
1148 IF MID$(c$,8,1)<>"0" THEN GOTO 1150
1149 PRINT TAB(8);"No rent!":y%=t%:t%=v%:PRINT TAB(8);:GOSUB 4080:t%=y%:PRINT tab(8); "mortgaged the property.":GOTO 1200
1150 PRINT TAB(14);"PAY RENT!";:SLEEP(10500)
1152 pena 25:PRINT tab(14); "PAY RENT!";:pena maincolor%:SLEEP(10500):IF q%=82 THEN ?:PRINT tab(14); "(DOUBLED)"
1154 PRINT TAB(8);:GOTO 2600
1170 IF d%(4)=0 THEN GOTO 1198
1172 z%=c%(4):FOR w%=1 TO d%(4):c$=STR$(p#(4,w%)):IF MID$(c$,8,1)="1" OR MID$(c$,8,1)="2" THEN z%=z%+10*fininfo%(8*VAL(MID$(c$,6,2)))
1174 NEXT w%:IF z%<20*fininfo%(8*VAL(MID$(b$,6,2))) THEN GOTO 1198
1176 PRINT TAB(8);"You can raise an ":PRINT TAB(8);"additional $";z%-c%(4);"cash ":PRINT TAB(8);"by mortgaging ":PRINT TAB(8);"undeveloped land."
1178 PRINT TAB(8);"Want to mortgage land":PRINT TAB(8);"and buy?":GOSUB 1700
1179 IF x$="N" THEN PRINT TAB(8);"Not a gambler, eh? OK...":GOTO 1200
1186 u%=1
1187 GOSUB 2700:IF c%(4)>=20*fininfo%(8*VAL(MID$(b$,6,2))) THEN GOTO 1130
1188 u%=u%+1:IF u%<=d%(4) THEN 1187
1198 PRINT TAB(8);"You don't have the":PRINT TAB(8);"money to buy.":GOSUB 2780
1200 IF d3%=1 THEN gosub 41000:GOSUB 20000:GOSUB 4080:PRINT " had doubles":d3%=0:gosub 2780:GOTO 1000
1210 d3%=0:d%=0:t%=t%+1:IF t%=5 THEN t%=1